The ramblings, moans and (occasional) happy thoughts of a normal, married, forty year old guy.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Cheap Xmas!

Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Tomorrow is another day.....
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Very Little To Report
Monday, 12 October 2009
I can feel myself getting older....
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Warm and pleasant feeling
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
New job....sort of.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Couple more old photos
Lazy Weekend
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Do I do enough to have a blog?
Take today - got a lie in as Mrs Brykins took boys to school. Then she went to work, so I lay in bed and finished a book that I have already read twice. Got up, saw that Bioshock had finished downloading so installed and tested that....seems to work okay.
Went through my email and applied for another couple of jobs - trying to do at least four a day now, though only getting any kind of confirmation to one or two. Still - that's a numbers game.
Listened to some of Radio 2 while eating lunch (cold Raviolli from the tin) then cleaned the kitchen, tidied the lounge and dining room and put all the garden furniture away.
Ate a Turkish Delight bar.
Now am sat here, bored, waiting for the rest of the household to come home. Really worth writing about, eh?
Monday, 7 September 2009
Facebook Fan Check Virus?
On the one hand there is the normal hoax/timewaster of getting people to blindly re-post every single mention of a new virus. Quite why people (a) blindly re-post these or (b) start them in the first place is beyond me.
However - there seems to be a second element to this particular hoax - if you Google "Facebook Fan Check Virus" then almost all the results will be sending you to what APPEARS to be anti-virus software or online virus checking web sites. These sites themselves have carry a MUCH higher risk than anything Facebook may currently accidently allow. These sites will warn you that your computer has a virus or trojan and ask you to download a cure. DO NOT DO THIS as you WILL become infected with a trojan.
Stick to anti-virus sites and software you know and trust. NOT those thrown up by random Google searching.
There's a little more info here: http://mashable.com/2009/09/07/facebook-fan-check-virus-hoax/
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Current Favourites:
Song: 'Soon We'll Be Found' by Sia
Singer: Lucinda Williams
Artist: Marc Quin
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R34
Food: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Watchmaker: Raymond Weil
Character from The Nine: Katheryn Hale (yum yum)
Sandwich: Roast turkey and pickle
Flower: Tulip
Hair: Red
Pen: Mitsubishi Uni-Pen Fine Line
Book: The Fermata
Radio Station: Radio 2
Website: Facebook
Number: 5
Day of the Week: Sunday
Film Maker: Tim Burton
Drink: Monster Ripper
Toilet Roll: Andrex
Actress: Zooey Deschanel
Chocolate Bar: Galaxy Ripple
Country: UK
Boat: The Savarona
Time of Day: 1am
Shopping Centre: Bluewater
Kids TV Presenter: Anne Foy
Public Holiday: Xmas Day
Social Network: Twitter
4x4: Nissan Pathfinder
Flag: China
Napkin Fold: Fan
Chicken Meat: Breast
Wood: Maple
Instant Messenger: MSN
Bubble Bath: Tesco Kids Rasberry Crush
Takeway: Chinese
Car Colour: Black
My "Freebie"
Well - been married for fifteen years now but I have finally found my freebie: Zooey Deschanel. I first noticed her in "The Happening" (which I also happen to think is a great film) and was struck by her eyes and her voice and now I am sat here listening to "Volume 1" by She & Him (Zooey and some lucky bastard called M Ward) and I know that I am very much in love with Zooey.
Sad, I know.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Strange couple of days
Have been keeping on top of the housework (though of course, not to the same high standard as Mrs Brykins does) and the haven't killed, injured or underfed the boys so can't be doing everything wrong. Today I even made stuffed marrows without a recipe. And everyone ate them.
Was nice to find out that I appeared in someone else's dream the other night - shame I can only ever remember Gwyneth Paltrow starring in one of mine. Am sure there have been others but I very rarely remember them.
Today have done final shopping and getting ready for school - everyone has bags packed and uniform laid out, lunches made and shoes polished.
Am now sat all alone as they are all in bed, Mrs Brykins is on another three hour part of her course (two evenings per week in the computer room, then two more evenings each week of homework) and am waiting for Dragons' Den on TV.
That's about my life right now. Anyone wanna (a) swap or (b) employ me?
Thursday, 20 August 2009
My mobile history....pt5
3 x Imate pre-production phones
There are probably others - I genuinely have lost track of the most recent phones.
But most recently I have been using a Blackberry Curve 8900 as my own phone and in my last job I was given an iPhone for work use. The iPhone was awful - well....awful as a phone and communications evice at least. The on-screen keyboard simply didn't work for me and I just couldn't get used to it. The email, calendar and contacts software were basic in the extreme - great for casual use but simply not ready for use day in, day out in a corporate environment. And the battery lasted less than a day.
But for games, it simply couldn't be beaten. Free and very cheap games from the App Store made it easy to fill the phone up with the likes of Flight Control, Harbour Master and others (one of the reason why the battery didn't last too long I guess) and these games are the only reason I actually miss the phone. Must get myself an iPod Touch soon!
My Blackberry....what can I say? It just works! The keyboard means I can type faster than on my PC. The screen is a gorgeous 480x360 pixels - that almost as big as my very first laptop! 3.2MP camera gives me photos I can print out. The software makes keeping contacts and calendar up to date and sync'd with the desktop (via Funambol online sync) a breeze and all my Hotmail email accounts sync perfectly.
I can't see me moving away from Blackberry.
At least not until the iPhone gets a slide out keyboard and major software overhauls.
Free Cinema (again....)

Wasn't expecting much, but I really, really enjoyed it. One of the better animated movies I have seen - worth a watch if you get a chance.
Next week: Night At The Museum 2 - am expecting Night At The Museum 1 with seven new jokes.
Still loving the lappy.
So have moved myself to my laptop - everything important syncs between it and the desktop, my email and Twitter and Facebook and everything is all in two places so I have re-discovered the joys of sitting in the garden or even watching some TV while I Tweet.
Shame the battery is turning out to be only good for two hours...but then the extended battery (that gives five hours) makes the laptop a horrible shape. And there's plenty of sockets around the house!
So now am thinking about a hard drive upgrade and an additional 2GB of memory.......
Monday, 10 August 2009
Packard Bell Dot M/A Laptop

Wednesday, 29 July 2009
You've Got Red On You

Free Cinema

Not my choice of film, but it's free. This season they are also showing Monsters v Aliens, Kung Fu Panda, Bolt and Night At The Museum 2.
Book review forms and details are on their website at www.showcasecinemas.co.uk/
UPDATE: It was rubbish.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Can someone please tell me......
My mobile history....pt4

The hunt ended quite quickly as back then, there really weren't many options. I ended up buying an Orange SPV C500 (same as a Imate SP3). Candybar design, nice big 240x320 screen and Windows Mobile. I really, really ought to have loved this phone. It felt great in the hand and the screen was lovely. I fell in love with the way the OS worked - if I wanted to call someone or text them or anything, I started typing their name on the keypad and it found the person and gave me options.
It's how I have liked my phones to work ever since. It took me a while to realise the difference between how phones had forced me to work before: decide I want to text someone, I first had to write the text and then decide who to send it to. Bit picky, but I liked it the other way round and Windows Mobile let me do that.
But damn! Was it slow? It froze all the time, it needed re-booting three times each day and just in general use it crawled....ten seconds to open a menu!
So - having already got in unlocked from Orange (I have stuck with T-Mobile through all of this - probably one of their most loyal customers!), I proceeded to re-flash the firmware (upgrade the software in the phone) to a non-networked one, so it didn't say "Orange" when you switched it on and got rid of all their crappy menus. Then did the sugar-cube trick which cleaned up the outside and all of a sudden I had a shiny, network-free phone.
Ebay time.

NOW I was happy. It was shorter than the previous phone, no thicker, and a bit wider but it had a great screen. And it was a touchscreen. So I had better games.
Oh - yes it was faster, but overall it did nothing more than the C500. But I loved it all the same and kept it for almost a year (a record for me!).
But temptation came....Jay at work had an O2 version of the T-Mobile Vario - THAT had a keyboard AND a touchscreen. A lovely sliding-out keyboard no less. Somehow I managed to convince myself to sell the Compact to Stuart (who's "Boggy's Blog" never gets updated) and found myself a T-Mobile Vario.

I cried for my Compact but Stuart was never going to let me have it back. So within a week I was Ebay-bound again and......WOW!!! There was a NEW Compact! The Compact II. The same size and shape as my old Compact but better! I had to have it!
I got it! It was shite. It was slow. S-l-o-w. They put a new version of Windows Mobile in it but forgot to upgrade the processor or the memory. I was getting used to crying now. Right then I promised myself that I would buy NO MORE WINDOWS PHONES!
How long did THAT last?
Rat Infestation
I do have three boys....
Monday, 27 July 2009
My mobile history....pt3

A full QWERTY keyboard, a big screen (a whopping 160x160 pixels!), a camera, mp3 player, email, and more. And additional software was available - hundreds and hundreds of PalmOS games and applications!
It felt good too - like it was solid. Solid metal - it weighed more than my desk phone and the aerial made it awkward in the pocket, but it didn't feel like it'd ever break.
And it didn't.
Well - apart from the speaker going all fuzzy on me. But that was easy to fix with some tin foil and a no.6 Torx screwdriver.
But the lure of Nokia-land was calling me. I'd resisted for a long, long time (though had endured Nokia phones issued by various employers - we don't talk about those beasts here) but in 2004 they had something new. Something shiny. With a flip. And a twist.

The flip was floppy. The keys were bad. The screen was poor. I hated it.
It went on Ebay very, very quickly.
And then I started on Windows Mobile devices. And there were many, all with various problems - most were slow, all were prone to freezing and needing a re-boot. But there were many and I can't even recall what order I had them in now....
Do I like Pink Floyd?
If someone asks me to name my favourite band I will always answer “Pink Floyd” without hesitation. But I am starting to think that maybe I don’t like them as a band....I think I just like Roger Waters. And then, just the “concept” albums.
This realisation struck while watching David Gilmour at the Royal Albert Hall on Sky Arts this evening.....when I noticed that everything NOT from The Wall, Wish You Were Here, Animals, Dark Side of the Moon or The Final Cut was boring, repetitive and just, well, whiney.
I tried listening to Floyd albums after the split...and they just didn’t grab me like the one’s above did. But I did find myself listening to Waters’ solo stuff (The Pros and Cons of Hitch-Hiking, Radio C.H.A.O.S and Amused to Death) and Hitch-Hiking is still one of my all-time favourite albums.
So there it is. I’ve said it, so now I need to go and change my Facebook profile and remove Pink Floyd from my favourite artists.....and add Roger Waters instead. Problem is – no-one know’s who he is.
My mobile history....pt2

I have nothing else to say about this phone.
But I loved my next phone....
I was in Milton Keynes one sunny day, supposed to have been selling something - may have been air conditioning at the time. Anyway, I was hungry and headed to Tesco but passed a Phone4U outlet....or didn't pass it. I ended up inside it, signed up to T-Mobile on a twelve month contract and walking out with a shiny, brand new, silver, Motorola T720....my first colour screen phone!
The very best thing about this phone was the menu system - everything could be set to my liking....what items showed on the standby screen, what order the menu items were in, shortcut buttons and everything.

My mobile history....pt1
I have now gone through so many different phones, and my memory is so bad, that I can't actually recall many of them. But thought I'd have a go anyway.
My first was a Mercury/One2One M300:

I was also skint because I had a mobile phone. Eventually it got cut off. Phone was boxed up and sold at Cash Converters if I remember correctly.
My next phone was some time later - an Ericsson (before they were Sony Ericsson) GA628. One line of text, stubby little aerial and a huge battery. But I was cool again - I hit the credit card and got a slimline battery for it....it was sexy.

I also found a great add-on. At the time I used a Palm PDA and with the right cable I could conenct the GA628 to the Palm and ...... get email on the move! In 1998! Of course, it was at 9,600bps and text only and stupidly expensive, but I was a mobile executive!

Multi line display!
That was it - the BIG upgrade....to get vibration and multi-line display and, I think, the first phone I had that would send and receive text messages. I didn't KNOW anyone else to send a text message to though. If I recall, I don't think I ever actually sent a text message.
Back to self-employment?
But that doesn't look good to prospective employers and agencies, so my CV isn't getting me any interviews.
That leaves me one other option - go back to self-employment. I did it a couple of years back....spent two years working for local companies doing IT support, web site design and some marketing.
Today I have registered a new domain name (www.sugama.co.uk - it means "easy to be understood") and will be gunning for web design, IT support and also some business mobile phone contracts.....