Monday, 12 October 2009

I can feel myself getting older....

I have a room full of Boy Scouts playing Monopoly here and am huddled in the corner on the pretext of making sure they understand the rules, but really just to make sure they don't get too sweary. But watching out for sweary boys isn't what's making me feel's the fact that Monopoly now doesn't seem to come with any money!

Not sure if it's just this particular edition, but there's no cash involved. Instead, each player is issued with a credit card and there is a bleep-making machine that transfers funds from one card to another. I can see that it's a nice gimmick for the kids, but how does it teach them anything about handling money?

One of the boys is mine and I remember him, not so very long ago, arguing for some new football boots. I had told him that we had no money right then and his reply was a casual "well go to the cash point then". I had to explain (and it took a while) that the cash point didn't just print money but only gave me the money that I had in the bank. Nothing in the bank, nothing out of the cash point.

But it did make me realise that kids don't really SEE as much money as I did when I was small. That's not to say I was rich, but I do recall seeing my parents pay for things with cash. I understood that people worked for money, that money went into pockets and then out and into the hands of shop-keepers, garage owners, publicans, etc.

In my old age I am now thinking "kids these days....they don't know the worth of money....they think that there's always going to be money on a credit card or out of a hole in the wall". It makes me sad because it's true but it makes me sadder that I am even thinking it.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Warm and pleasant feeling

Today I was amazed to discover that there is at least one person reading this. Gave me a nice, warm feeling inside. And that's NOT gay, okay?

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

New job....sort of.

Having been hunting for a new job since mid-July, it seems that the hunt is almost, sort of, over. I've had a couple of meetings with a guy that runs a security company and, all being well, I ought to be starting on the 2nd of November for him.

I'm still working for myself - MUST call the tax man and tell him I am self-employed again - doing sales and marketing for him over the East Anglia region. They provide security patrols, on-site guards, etc, for factories, warehouses, offices and so on.

Good thing is that it's only three days per week - and they are as flexible as I want, so I can still do school stuff, have two late mornings, mess about on Twitter and Facebook and all the things I have got used to over the past few months. It'll also mean I will have the time to do the college courses I am thinking about - so I can (eventually) teach IT in evening classes or to corporate clients.

Start of a new chapter? We'll see - I know all about eggs and pregnant chickens.