The ramblings, moans and (occasional) happy thoughts of a normal, married, forty year old guy.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
BBC good value!
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Easy Email Security
Monday, 21 June 2010
iPhone 4
Forgive me Father, for I have sinned....
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
My G2 -> Desire Success Story
Complaints Investigation
----------END QUOTE----------
My reply:
---------- QUOTE----------
My account password is “**********”.
As can be seen here: there are many people with the very same problems.
----------END QUOTE----------
Shortly after, I received a missed call from T-Mobile. I didn’t answer and they emailed me this:
---------- QUOTE----------
Good afternoon Mr Anderson
Thank you for replying to my email and confirming your security details. I am grateful for this as it allows me to access your account. I am sorry to hear of the problems you have had with the G2.
I have looked into these issues you have experienced and I am afraid these are not known faults. Due to the problems you are experiencing, I am happy to offer an exchange of the same phone.
Please contact me on the number below to organise this. I am available next week from Tuesday due to the bank holidays.
Calls to this number are charged at local rate if you are a BT customer, however please check your BT plan. If you are with another provider this may differ, so please check. (Please note calls to this number from your mobile will be charged at 40p inc VAT per minute.)
I look forward to hearing from you soon Mr Anderson.
Kind regards
(name withheld)
Complaints Investigation
----------END QUOTE----------
I called and (name withheld) was actually off – she’d gone home, but someone else sorted the address. The replacement came on the Tuesday after the bank holiday (6th April) and on the following day I sent this:
---------- QUOTE----------
Dear (name withheld),
Thank you for sorting out the replacement handset. However this one is showing exactly the same issues as the previous ones with 3G and it’s 2G signal strength is even worse than the one just returned. With the previous handset I was able to make and receive calls/texts when on 2G anywhere in the house. With this handset I receive no signal downstairs and one bar upstairs. Sending texts is a major issue as even with apparent signal the phone is reporting that it is unable to send.
It is plain that the G2 is NOT fit for purpose and I would like to ask what can be done to rectify this situation as I am now paying a monthly contract for a phone that can (a) make and receive no calls, (b) make and receive no texts and (c) is not able to use any 3G signal anywhere otherwise calls and texts do not come through.
Kind regards
----------END QUOTE----------
Turned out we have a problem with our local mast – I brought this up with her later on when she called me on Thursday. The first time she called I didn’t answer and she left a message for me to call her back. The second time was about half past four on Thursday. (name withheld) was very nice and accepted that the handset was not up to scratch – the signal problem I clarified with her and accepted that it was a localised temporary problem as they are still working on the transmitter.
I did press that the missing calls were a major issue along with the missing texts and that I have been using the phone in various locations to test this fully. I had indeed driven from Peterborough to High Wycombe and back on that very day to collect my children so their records could show every single cell tower I connected to throughout the day. They do check things like that.
(name withheld) then offered a replacement handset. Just like that. I explained that I tested software and web sites on mobile devices (half true – I work for a web site testing company part time) and that I therefore needed a smartphone with the ability to run apps. I asked if they did the iPhone (knowing that officially they didn’t) and she said no.
I explained that I therefore needed to stay with an Android device but of their current range, the Galaxy Portal and the LG were both of a lesser spec that the G2 and neither had a confirmation of the latest OS updates. I then pressed that I needed a handset that was kept up to date with the 2.1 update and explained my concerns over the Sony X10 and Sony’s reputation for being very slow in issuing updates. (name withheld) asked me to hold for a second while she looked if there were any other Android phones due to come to T-Mobile in the next month or so but said no.
That only left the Desire, so I asked outright: “is it possible for you to send me an HTC Desire as a replacement?”
(name withheld) said that would be fine and she would just check that there was one available. She put me on hold for a couple of minutes and then informed me that there was no stock (I asked if I could collect one in-store but she said that this upgrade was not like-for-like, therefore out of process, so had to be sent by her) but that she would check daily and send one out as soon as they came in. Would I like it sent to my home address?
In addition she said that she would give me seven days to then transfer everything from my G2 to the Desire. I said not to worry – it all sync’s and data is on the SD card so they can do a replace and collect at the same time and she said that they wouldn’t take the G2 back but that it would be blacklisted (fine – handy mp3 player for the wife!).
Finally I asked if it was okay if, when I got home, I could write a note to her and have her confirm it so I had something for my records. She said no problem so I wrote:
---------- QUOTE----------
Dear (name withheld),
Just to confirm our telephone conversation this afternoon. This replacement G2 is showing the same problems with 3G and data. I would like to accept your offer of an alternative handset, namely an HTC Desire, as I understand that this handset does not suffer from the same 3G issues. I also understand that this handset is currently out of stock but that you will be checking stock daily and will send one out on next day delivery as soon as available.
If you could be so kind as to confirm that the above is correct, then we can touch base in a day or two regarding stock.
Kindest regards
----------END QUOTE----------
To which I received the reply:
----------END QUOTE----------
Good morning Bryan
Thank you for your email requesting confirmation of my resolution.
I am happy to offer a non like for like exchange to the HTC Desire. Unfortunately there are none in stock but I will be checking daily.
I look forward to speaking to you soon.
Kind regards
(name withheld)
----------END QUOTE----------
That was Friday 9th April. (name withheld) then did indeed keep in touch, calling me every other day to tell me that there were no Desires in. By the 22nd I was getting frustrated seeing that some Desires had indeed been sent out and emailed (name withheld) links to the forum showing people receiving phones. On the morning of the 23rd I received a call from (name withheld) saying that a Desire had been sent out to me and I ought to have it Saturday or Monday.
It turned up Monday.
I would point out that everything since my second email has been addressed to and replied from so that is the email to get stuff done. (name withheld) has been very helpful and never once insisted I was in the wrong at all. I did however, all the time, try to get over that the lack of 3G itself was far less of an issue than the missed calls.....after all, data is not an essential part of the contract whereas the ability make/receive calls is.
So I now feel guilty but happy. And loving my Desire. Though not yet worked up the guts to test 3G and calling/texting again....currently on 2G and WiFi!
Friday, 9 April 2010
Mobile Good last!
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Android Update, Update
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Android Update
Monday, 5 April 2010

Thursday, 11 March 2010
What happened to email?
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Why I might be sticking with Android....
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Why I'm Leaving Android
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Work looking up.
Friday, 12 February 2010
Peterborough to Grantham!
Monday, 11 January 2010
So much for that!
Well....I say slipped past - friday/saturday simply knocked me on the head and strolled on past while I was asleep. Something went wrong inside me and everything felt awful so fourteen hours sleep crept up and kidnapped me.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
My Twitter "Family"
(4) @Stickyplasters - she's my big sister who is always on hand to lend a sypathetic ear when I need a moan.
(3) @nik_kee_dee - my slightly deranged younger sister who all my friends want to shag but are secretly a bit scared of. Like Angelina Jolie in a way. Without the lips. Or the tattoos. Or the small brown people cluttering up the house.
(2) @jason_manford - the brilliantly funny big brother who, when in a good mood, will have a bloody good laugh with you. But still frightens your friends a bit.
(1) @LuceKD and @Richard_Gable - I want them to adopt me.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
One day late!
(4) Caramac - does this actually class as chocolate? It's sort of chocolate-ish.
(3) Crunchie - too noisy in the mouth to eat while watching TV though.
(2) Ripple - problem is they are just too small. Pack of four is good!
(1) Galaxy - not the poncy new ones with things in, just normal old-fashioned Galaxy.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Day Four......almost
Busy day today getting kids ready to go back to school, cleaning house, haircuts, etc, so no real entry today.
Five current favourite songs:
(1) Empire State Of Mind - Alicia Keys
(2) Ventura - Lucinda Williams
(3) I Got A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
(4) Your Sister Cried - Mary Gaultier
(5) I Cried For You - Katie Melua
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Day Three......
2nd two!
Not a great start to my 'blog every day' plan....five to midnight and only just rembered!
Following on from the 'five favourite' things started yesterday, I figured today I'd run down my five favourite soft drinks:
(5) Cherry Coke
(4) Cherry Tango
(3) Ice Cold Milk
(2) Dr Pepper
(1) Monster Ripper
That's all. It's late, I'm watching Se7en and the battery on this phone is very nearly dead.