Sunday, 3 January 2010

Day Three......

And although I am still "on holiday" so nothing has been done on the "big project"*, I have managed to keep the one-blog-per-day promise AND haven't eaten anything particularly bad for me. That's mostly due to the fact that all the Xmas goodies have now gone with just the cheap chocolate coins and the half empty brandy butter in the fridge.

No real significant achievements today, other than braving Asda for the weekly shop (during which I did buy myself the 2010 calendar issue of FHM - well....I dad to as no-one bought it for me for Xmas this year....first time in a long time.) and I feel I have somewhat let myself down by wasting the evening watching The Simpsons Movie and "celebrity" Big Brother. At least I can sleep sound in the knowledge that I won't be missing anything half-way interesting by NOT watching it again for the next 27 days.

So in the event of any big ground-breaking news and as it's now a two-day-old tradition, I shall list another five favourite things. This time I shall go a bit specialist and list the five best bits of software I have found in my couple of week with an Android phone:

(1) BeebPlayer - totally, utterly brilliant. I can now watch live BBC TV anywhere I get WiFi or 3G signal, along with anything on the BBC iPlayer.

(2) Twidroid - of course, I *must* have a Twitter application on any phone nowadays and this seems to be the best right now.

(3) K-9 Mail - much better than the default Email application, though I have a feeling that as I am staying with a Google phone for the next eighteen months, I may soon be officially changing my email address to my Gmail one. That's gonna hurt.

(4) Flight Director - I was so down for days when I gave back my work iPhone and lost Flight Control. Happier now.

(5) Dolphin Web Browser - simply beats ANY mobile web browser I have seen. And yes - that does include the iPhone one!

Oh! I just noticed that I have done this one with FIFTY minutes to spare! Go me!

* the "big project" is what I am now going to call the magazine. I have the draft of the business plan, a draft outline of issue one, an idea of who to hit for advertisers. All I need to really work on to make it viable is a way to VERY QUICKLY create the readership database.

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