Saturday, 2 January 2010

1st January 2010

( it's officially the 2nd by the time I actually sat and wrote this, but as I'm still up, it's still the 1st to me.)

This blog has become neglected in the last few weeks...mostly because it's been a struggle just to get through 2009 without having to try and update this thing all the time. BUT there are three things planned for 2010:

(a) Lose two stone in weight

(b) Get the magazine up and running

(c) Update this thing every day

Having done nothing on (a) or (b) today, I felt I at least need to do (c).'s my five favourite things on my desk right now:

(1) My phone - it's a T-Mobile G2 (also known as an HTC Hero) and it runs the Android operating system. Had it now for a couple of weeks and it's been a bit touch and go, but am getting used to it now and loving it more and more each hour. Bloody useful and so, so much nicer that those iPhone things.

(2) Yoko. She's not actually ON the desk, but on the shelf above it. She's a tiny little Chinese Dwarf Hamster who sleeps 23 out of 24 hours but is very cute around about midnight.

(3) My BluTac - there just always seems to be a lump of it around and I just have to fiddle while watching iPlayer or whatever crap I have downloaded (currently 24 series four).

(4) My USB stick....Sandisk 8GB Titanium....sleek and sexy and always with me.

(5) A bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - no explanation needed :-)

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