Monday, 11 January 2010

So much for that!

Great plans and so on.....the idea really, really was to make sure I updated every single day. In the words of my (soon to be) teenage son: "EPIC FAIL". For some reason, thursday, friday and the weekend just sort of slipped past un-noticed.

Well....I say slipped past - friday/saturday simply knocked me on the head and strolled on past while I was asleep. Something went wrong inside me and everything felt awful so fourteen hours sleep crept up and kidnapped me.

Funny thing, sleep.....fourteen hours on Friday night, pretty normal (for me) five hours on Saturday night, then last night I managed to see 1.30am, 2.30am, 3.30am and 4.30am on the clock before being woken by the alarm at 6.30am. Today is mostly about tiredness and grumpiness.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

My Twitter "Family"

First, I must say that the people below were not consulted about this.

No major news today so straight into a top five. This time, my five Twitter "Family" members:

(5) @fudgecrumpet and @Nettofabulous - two grumpy uncles sat in the corner slagging off the world and making me piss my pants with laughter.

(4) @Stickyplasters - she's my big sister who is always on hand to lend a sypathetic ear when I need a moan.

(3) @nik_kee_dee - my slightly deranged younger sister who all my friends want to shag but are secretly a bit scared of. Like Angelina Jolie in a way. Without the lips. Or the tattoos. Or the small brown people cluttering up the house.

(2) @jason_manford - the brilliantly funny big brother who, when in a good mood, will have a bloody good laugh with you. But still frightens your friends a bit.

(1) @LuceKD and @Richard_Gable - I want them to adopt me.

Ouch - that was harder than I thought. I follow SO many fun people on Twitter and love them all.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

One day late!

Well it had to happen - what with a full day's work, home to feed boys, take one of them to piano then run around collecting prescription pills for a friend who now lives 100 miles away, I never got round to writing anything here yesterday.

So - very quick top five......chocolate bars!

(5) Twirl - none of my top four are ever available in vending machines. Twirls are.

(4) Caramac - does this actually class as chocolate? It's sort of chocolate-ish.

(3) Crunchie - too noisy in the mouth to eat while watching TV though.

(2) Ripple - problem is they are just too small. Pack of four is good!

(1) Galaxy - not the poncy new ones with things in, just normal old-fashioned Galaxy.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Day Four......almost

Busy day today getting kids ready to go back to school, cleaning house, haircuts, etc, so no real entry today.

Five current favourite songs:

(1) Empire State Of Mind - Alicia Keys

(2) Ventura - Lucinda Williams

(3) I Got A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas

(4) Your Sister Cried - Mary Gaultier

(5) I Cried For You - Katie Melua

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Day Three......

And although I am still "on holiday" so nothing has been done on the "big project"*, I have managed to keep the one-blog-per-day promise AND haven't eaten anything particularly bad for me. That's mostly due to the fact that all the Xmas goodies have now gone with just the cheap chocolate coins and the half empty brandy butter in the fridge.

No real significant achievements today, other than braving Asda for the weekly shop (during which I did buy myself the 2010 calendar issue of FHM - well....I dad to as no-one bought it for me for Xmas this year....first time in a long time.) and I feel I have somewhat let myself down by wasting the evening watching The Simpsons Movie and "celebrity" Big Brother. At least I can sleep sound in the knowledge that I won't be missing anything half-way interesting by NOT watching it again for the next 27 days.

So in the event of any big ground-breaking news and as it's now a two-day-old tradition, I shall list another five favourite things. This time I shall go a bit specialist and list the five best bits of software I have found in my couple of week with an Android phone:

(1) BeebPlayer - totally, utterly brilliant. I can now watch live BBC TV anywhere I get WiFi or 3G signal, along with anything on the BBC iPlayer.

(2) Twidroid - of course, I *must* have a Twitter application on any phone nowadays and this seems to be the best right now.

(3) K-9 Mail - much better than the default Email application, though I have a feeling that as I am staying with a Google phone for the next eighteen months, I may soon be officially changing my email address to my Gmail one. That's gonna hurt.

(4) Flight Director - I was so down for days when I gave back my work iPhone and lost Flight Control. Happier now.

(5) Dolphin Web Browser - simply beats ANY mobile web browser I have seen. And yes - that does include the iPhone one!

Oh! I just noticed that I have done this one with FIFTY minutes to spare! Go me!

* the "big project" is what I am now going to call the magazine. I have the draft of the business plan, a draft outline of issue one, an idea of who to hit for advertisers. All I need to really work on to make it viable is a way to VERY QUICKLY create the readership database.

2nd two!

Not a great start to my 'blog every day' plan....five to midnight and only just rembered!

Following on from the 'five favourite' things started yesterday, I figured today I'd run down my five favourite soft drinks:

(5) Cherry Coke
(4) Cherry Tango
(3) Ice Cold Milk
(2) Dr Pepper
(1) Monster Ripper

That's all. It's late, I'm watching Se7en and the battery on this phone is very nearly dead.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

1st January 2010

( it's officially the 2nd by the time I actually sat and wrote this, but as I'm still up, it's still the 1st to me.)

This blog has become neglected in the last few weeks...mostly because it's been a struggle just to get through 2009 without having to try and update this thing all the time. BUT there are three things planned for 2010:

(a) Lose two stone in weight

(b) Get the magazine up and running

(c) Update this thing every day

Having done nothing on (a) or (b) today, I felt I at least need to do (c).'s my five favourite things on my desk right now:

(1) My phone - it's a T-Mobile G2 (also known as an HTC Hero) and it runs the Android operating system. Had it now for a couple of weeks and it's been a bit touch and go, but am getting used to it now and loving it more and more each hour. Bloody useful and so, so much nicer that those iPhone things.

(2) Yoko. She's not actually ON the desk, but on the shelf above it. She's a tiny little Chinese Dwarf Hamster who sleeps 23 out of 24 hours but is very cute around about midnight.

(3) My BluTac - there just always seems to be a lump of it around and I just have to fiddle while watching iPlayer or whatever crap I have downloaded (currently 24 series four).

(4) My USB stick....Sandisk 8GB Titanium....sleek and sexy and always with me.

(5) A bowl of Crunchy Nut Cornflakes - no explanation needed :-)